Bioflex Pair
Bioflex Pair
Bioflex Pair
Bioflex Pair

Bioflex Pair

Hip Protector

Č. artiklu 218802

8 Hodnocení

NPC 500,69 Kč 2
450,50 Kč 1

Bioflex Pair Hip Protector

A lightweight slim protector which has been designed to offer high levels of protection while being discreet enough to be unnoticeable off the bike. Perfect comfort!

Comfort / Features:

  • Cell structure ensures maximum airflow, with an adaptive shape for excellent comfort, on and off the bike.
  • Ergonomic design that allows high levels of movement.
  • Cell structure ensures maximum comfort and ventilation.
  • Slim design makes the protector discreet off the bike

Protector cells are bridged together, allowing for an adaptive shape and enhanced levels of comfort and protection.


  • certified to EN 1621-1:2012; Level 1


  • 34% Dioctyl Terephthalat, 33% Nitrilic rubber, 30% PVC (polyvinyl chloride), 3% others

Size guide:
Size S - 21880202 is suitable for the following Alpinestars trousers: Women's size XS-L (or XL); Men's size XS-S.
Size L - 21880204 fits the following Alpinestars trousers: Women size XL (or XXL); Men size M and above.

However, please be sure to note the specification in your trousers!

Manufacturer: Alpinestars S.p.A. | Viale E. Fermi 5 | 31011 Asolo | Italien |
Hodnocení (8)
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