i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet
i20 Jethelmet

i20 Jethelmet


Č. artiklu 217810

8 Hodnocení

Tabulka velikostí
NPC 5 025,29 Kč 2
4 522,51 Kč 1

i20 Jethelmet Helmet

  • Visor: light tinted, anti-fog coating as well as additional clear visor
  • Material: polycarbonate
  • Helmet shell sizes: 3
  • Closure: ratchet closure
  • Weight: approx. 1.150 g
  • Lining: comfort lining, removable and washable, with integrated goggle channel
  • Ventilation: inlets in the upper head and chin area
  • Other: removable chin section, suitable for the Smart HJC Bluetooth communication systems 10B and 20B
  • Tests: ECE 22.06 (only tested as jet helmet, chin part without impact protection test).
Manufacturer: HJC EUROPE S.A.R.L. | 1 Rue Benjamin Silliman Jr. | 67116 Reichstett | Frankreich | contact@hjc-europe.com

Vlastnosti produktu

  • certificates: ECE 22.06
  • shell material: Polycarbonate
  • fastener: Ratchet fastener
  • Visor: tinted anti-fog
  • additional features: Removable chin bar
  • helmet shell sizes: 3
  • type of helmet: Jet / Police helmet
  • Country of manufacture: Vietnam
  • Lining: Comfort lining
  • weight approx: 1150
Hodnocení (8)
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