Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden


Č. artiklu 214148

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NPC 871,21 Kč 2
621,58 Kč 1

Iron Maiden T-Shirt

“The Number of the Beast” is the name of Iron Maiden’s third album and Brandit is celebrating the great English heavy metal band with the *Beast II* T-shirt. Made of pure cotton and with top prints. For fans and anyone else who appreciates a bold t-shirt.
  • Collar shape: round neck
  • Front: large multicoloured “The Number of the Beast” print
  • Back: “The Number of the Beast” lettering
  • Material: 100% cotton
Manufacturer: Brandit Textil GmbH | Spichernstrasse 6a | 50672 Köln | Germany | +49 (0)221-933 844 0 | |
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