LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2
LED-headlight insert adaptive 2

LED-headlight insert adaptive 2

with cornering light, diameter 7 inch

Č. artiklu 60900210

Zatím žádné hodnocení.

NPC 20 694,33 Kč 2
20 444,70 Kč 1

LED-headlight insert adaptive 2 with cornering light, diameter 7 inch

With adaptive bend lighting headlamp inserts from J.W. Speaker, the *Adaptive Series*, motorcyclists benefit from a light cone that adapts precisely to the course of the road, especially in darkness and generally poor visibility due to the weather. But the developers at J.W. Speaker have gone one step further. Previously, when turning into a turn, the headlights "only" shone straight ahead, but with the J.W. Speaker *Adaptive Series 2* headlights, additional LEDs are switched on when the motorbike is leaning to illuminate the inside of the turn. This means: never ride into the dark again!
With this further development to the J.W. Speaker *Adaptive 2 Series*, the term "dual burn headlights" is often used. With these, the low beam remains active even when the high beam is switched on. The result is an even more harmonious illumination of the road.

The J.W.Speaker *model 8790 Adaptive 2*, is a 7-inch headlamp that can be plug'n'play replaced with conventional headlamps.
  • E-approved
  • Low beam: 22.8 watts; 2025 lumens
  • High beam: 34.8 watts; 2250 lumens
  • Cornering light: 24.45-25.95 watts
  • Parking light: 1.1 watts
Installation dimensions:
  • Diameter: 177.2 mm
  • Installation depth: 76.2 mm
  • H4 plug
  • Mating connector: H4 (AMP 172615-2)
Cable assignment:
  • Black_ Ground
  • Red: Position light
  • Yellow: Low beam
  • White: High beam
Dual Burn Information:
Dual Burn refers to the combination of low beam and high beam. Whereas with conventional headlights the low beam is switched off when the high beam is activated, headlights with dual burn combine both beams. The result: far-reaching visibility and plenty of light on the road.
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