LED *Nano* 3v1 Lightbar
Č. artiklu 10055066
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LED *Nano* 3v1 Lightbar SOFTAIL 90-14, ČERNÁ
HeinBikes has come up with another great one: the LED *Nano* 3in1 Lightbar with indicator, brake and tail light for the Sportster S (from 2021-) is ready to transform the rear of your Harley-Davidson motorbike. Quite inconspicuous in purely visual terms, it makes large original turn signals and tail lights disappear. But in use, the LED light units impress with furious brightness and laser-like luminosity. This is state-of-the-art lighting technology with minimal size (LED smaller than a penny). Fantastic. It mounts directly under the rear fender without the use of adapters or similar accessories. The 3in1 light bar *Nano* is made of precisely manufactured billet aluminium in black and powder-coated. The indicators and rear lights are connected directly to 12 V without resistors.
- 3in1 indicator, brake and tail light for Harley-Davidson Sportster S (21-)
- most modern LED light units, extremely small
- extremely bright
- 12 V without resistors
- precision fit
- made of billet aluminium, powder-coated
- Indicator, brake and rear light: 3.0 / 0.3 / 2.2 watts
- Dimensions (H x W x D): 20 x 210 x 64 mm
Manufacturer: HEINZBIKES GMBH | Hainbuchenstrasse 4 | 13465 Berlin | Germany | +49 (0) 33056/994866 | info@heinzbikes.com | www.heinzbikes.com
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Informace výrobce: HeinzBikes
Do HeinzBikes značkového obchodu
Custom Parts pro Harley-Davidson a všechny ostatní značky motocyklůUž pradědeček Heinz byl vášnivým motorkářem a úspěšným závodníkem na dvou kolech. V tomto duchu je rodinný podnik veden dodnes: HeinzBikes Custom Parts. Zpočátku se společnost specializovala na výrobu exkluzivních přídavných dílů pro motocykly Harley-Davidson, klíčový pojem: přestavby baggerů. Dalšími produkty určenými speciálně pro Harleye jsou LED ukazatele na přístrojové desce a zadní winglety. Dnes však společnost HeinzBikes vyvíjí a vyrábí také LED blinkry s E-certifikací pro všechny ostatní značky motocyklů, a také LED blinkry, zadní světla, brzdová světla a blinkry na vidlici. Vynálezci z Havellandu jsou obzvláště hrdí na inovativní držáky registračních značek typu „vše v jednom“. Každý výrobek HeinzBikes je vyráběn precizně a s láskou a ručně kus po kusu dopracován.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
This certification mark is the sole proof of legality stipulated by law, i.e. no written report or entry in the vehicle documents by TÜV (German Technical Inspection Association) is required. However, when it comes to installing accessories, the relevant guidelines of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StvZO) must always be observed.
At at a roadside check or a TÜV vehicle inspection, the registered keeper is only required to show the "E" mark. It is then up to the official in charge whether to check the mark with the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) in Flensburg (or equivalent type approval authority in other countries), which is able to decode all certification marks.
Original parts on newer vehicles that have been given an "E" mark at the factory may only be replaced with accessories that have likewise undergone E-approval. An E-certified mirror may not, for example, by replaced with a mirror that only has TÜV approval under the German vehicle licensing regulations.
To ensure that it gives you many years of service, please observe the following care instructions:
1. After installing the product, and each time you wash your motorbike, apply a wax-based care product, e.g. Procycle Polishing Wax, Order no. 10004923 for protection against wind and weather. You may need to repeat the application after an outing in winter weather, rain or salty air (near the coast).
2. Remove any corrosion as soon as possible using a standard aluminium polish (e.g. Autosol Aluminium Polish, Order no. 10004421).
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