air filter mat
Důležité pokyny
air filter mat UNIVERZÁLNÍ 750X500X14MM
No motorcycle engine would last long without air filters. That's obvious. You should also replace the air filters now and again - depending on your riding habits. After all, an engine needs to breathe freely in order to reach its maximum horsepower. But do you always have to pay for "all the other stuff", like the frame, housing or various plastic parts in which the new air filter material is fitted and held in place? Actually, no. You just need the *Universal* air filter mat, and you're sorted!
Simply cut out a piece the right size from this air filter foam mat which measures roughly 750 x 500 x 14 mm (W x H x D) and fasten it to/on your air filter housing with wire or cable ties. You should always do this in such a way that the engine cannot draw any secondary air. The next time you need to change the air filter, simply flush out the universal filter mat and reuse it (once it has dried of course).
A straightforward option for replacing the air filter in various motorcycles and scooters.
- Material: Foam
- Dimensions 750 x 500 x 14 mm
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