Přímý ukazatel teploty oleje pro motorky
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Přímý ukazatel teploty oleje pro motorky RŮZNÉ HONDA
You want to be able to put full load on your motorcycle engine? All right - go ahead. But please make sure that the oil temperature has risen to about 80 °C during operation. Only then does the engine oil develop its full lubricating capacity. Unfortunately, the temperature display in the cockpit usually indicates the optimum operating temperature a little too early. So don't rely on it too much.
It is better to replace the oil filler plug with a high-quality R&R oil temperature direct indicator. You can turn the R&R oil temperature direct indicator in the adapter to the desired reading position when the engine is warm. The thermometer is filled with oil for optimum damping (the visible air bubble is used for pressure compensation in case of thermal fluctuations). Indicators with a sensor length of up to 200 mm are rubber-mounted in the adapter, above that they are teflon-mounted. The R&R oil temperature direct indicator works very accurately with a deviation of only about 1% in the upper third of the temperature.
- Design: White dial with black scale
- Available for various models
- Sight glass made of Makrolon (may become milky if it comes into contact with fuel)
- Adapter made of aluminium
- Polished stainless steel gauge
- Measuring range: 20°C to 140°C
- Sensor also functions as dipstick
Please compare the thread diameter and thread pitch with those of the original oil filler plug before installing the R&R oil temperature direct indicator. Also measure the sensor length. Use our dimension table (see documents) for help.
Seznam vhodných motocyklů
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
Water and salt encourage corrosion. After cleaning (e.g. with Procycle Special Gel Cleaner, Order no. 10004909), we recommend regularly polishing aluminium parts with standard aluminium polish (e.g. Alu-Magic, Order no. 10004031).
Stainless steel should be cleaned regularly like all other materials, especially after exposure to salty air (near the coast), and also at regular intervals.
Water can easily collect in corners, edges and screw connections, resulting in corrosion. So careful cleaning is important, and if necessary screws should be undone in order to clean the parts thoroughly.
Do not leave rusty steel parts against stainless steel to avoid the rust "contamination".
Abyste zajistili, že tvoje věcná a pravdivá zpráva o zkušenostech bude velkým přínosem pro všechny čtenáře, dodržuj prosím následující pravidla.
- Ohodnoť prosím pouze produkty, které jsi osobně používal k určenému účelu.
- Prosím odůvodni svou pozitivní i negativní kritiku. Jedině tak z toho mohou těžit ostatní zákazníci a v případě potřeby můžeme produkt vylepšit.
- Nekopíruj prosím obsah, který již byl publikován jinde. Zde se počítá tvoje osobní zkušenost.
- Ochrana dat: Do recenze prosím neuváděj svou vlastní adresu nebo adresy třetích stran, telefonní čísla, adresy URL nebo dokonce jména třetích stran (lidí nebo společností).
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