Ventilation rubber for v- and e-systems
Ventilation rubber for v- and e-systems

Ventilation rubber for v- and e-systems


Č. artiklu 10080023

1 Hodnocení

174,75 Kč 1

Ventilation rubber for v- and e-systems RUBBER

The rubber aerator is inserted into the filler opening of the reservoir to close it. It can be supplemented with the aerator cap (see matching articles) or the aeration hose. Compatible with all vSystems and eSystems.

Info: We recommend removing the aerator rubber for filling the reservoir only. Insert the tip of the bottle filling adapter directly into the hole in the reservoir and only then seal it again with the rubber.

Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Rock Oil Vertriebsges. mbH | Bahnstrasse 90 | 55239 Gau-Odernheim | Germany | +49 67 33 / 20 59 470 | |
Hodnocení (1)
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