50R Louis Edition communication system
Č. artiklu 10078000
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50R Louis Edition communication system JEDNOTLIVÉ BALENÍ HD-ZVUK
In the world of Sena communication systems, the 50 series is now available to discover as the Louis Edition. Here is the Sena 50R Louis Edition communication system in a flat 3-button design. Compared to its predecessors, it has been extensively upgraded in terms of hardware and software, with a focus on connection stability and sound quality. Bluetooth 5.0 has been introduced and via Mesh 2.0, 6 people can talk at the same time and up to 24 participants can be connected in total.
Single pack
Thanks to Sena's pioneering Adaptive Mesh Networking technology, which works in combination with Bluetooth, the 50R has more connections than ever before. With an innovative dual antenna and two separate processors, one for Bluetooth and one for Adaptive Mesh Networking, the 50R can connect to any processor simultaneously thanks to its multi-operation function. This means that you can connect up to 3 additional communication devices to your Sena 50R headset via Bluetooth 5.0 and then integrate them into an existing mesh networking group at the same time.
Communicate with up to 24 other drivers within a maximum range of 2 km reliably and clearly in HD audio quality. The 50R also allows for targeted group management, so you can divide users into groups and differentiate between groups. In addition to these private groups, you can search for other motorcyclists within a 2 km radius who are also using a Sena 50R by pressing just one button. You will be automatically connected to them.
Sena 50R Audio Multitasking technology makes it possible to have conversations and simultaneously stream music from your smartphone, answer or make phone calls, or play detailed GPS navigation instructions via Bluetooth using Adaptive Mesh Networking. Users no longer have to worry about the interruptions caused by the audio features of previous Bluetooth communication devices. Now, the audio functions no longer interrupt each other, but overlap, ensuring a pleasant listening experience. Enjoy seamless audio sources on your rides.
Use the Sena smartphone app to configure the device settings (e.g. enter a group of biker friends for the hands-free system) and take a look at the quick start guide. Simply pair your phone with your 50R headset and run the Sena smartphone app. This allows you to make settings directly from your smartphone.
The 50R's new quick-charge feature provides approximately 3 hours of use after just 20 minutes of charging. On the road, the 50R can be fully controlled by voice commands. The intuitive technology ensures safe, controlled driving by seamlessly switching between music, phone and intercom functions.
The 50R's universal mounting option with clamp and/or adhesive holder and replaceable cable and gooseneck microphone allows it to be used with almost any helmet, whether jet, flip-up or full-face. The Sena 50R Louis Edition is compatible with Sena's optimal handlebar remote control and all 20S clamp accessories.
- Unique dual module architecture with audio multitasking technology - intercom conversations, MP3 music or Navian announcements at the same time without interruptions or disconnections.
- HD sound
- FM radio
- Full duplex connection: simultaneous speech with intercom/mesh networking connection
- VOX function for hands-free calling during intercom and phone calls
- A2DP Bluetooth stereo protocol for a wireless hi-fi stereo connection to A2DP-compatible mobile phones or MP3 players
- AVRCP function - for remote music playback control (play, pause, forward, rewind) on compatible mobile phones or MP3 players
- NFC support for even faster connection to compatible smartphones
- Individual volume control for each audio source
- Digital signal processor for noise cancellation and echo reduction
- jack socket for connecting an MP3 player via cable
- reception of the same audio track (e.g. from an MP3 player) for the driver and passenger via A2DP
- menu status announcements and voice control for optimal menu navigation
- smartphone app (Android and IOS) for controlling and configuring the Sena 50R headset
- robust and weatherproof
- Bluetooth talk time: 13 hours
- Mesh intercom - talk time: 8 hours
- standby time: up to 10 days
- communication via adaptive mesh networking technology for up to 24 drivers with a max. range of 2000 m
- simultaneous communication via Bluetooth 5.0 with up to 4 other drivers
- group management - divide intercom partners into groups - separate group communication possible
- driver-to-pillion intercom
- Interkom communication with headsets from other manufacturers (limited communication features, the Sena headset is paired as a mobile phone)
- voice-controlled call answering and rejection (Vox technology) – your hands stay on the handlebars
- voice-controlled call function or voice dialling (mobile phone must support voice control)
- telephone conference call with an intercom partner also possible
- connection to 2 mobile phones simultaneously possible
- Connection to compatible Bluetooth navigation devices (Bluetooth headset profile required) for transmission of navigation instructions (e.g. Garmin zumo, TomTom Rider)
Single pack
- Sena 50R Louis Edition – control unit
- Clamp mount with detachable cable and swan-neck microphone, and d-type swan-neck microphone and HD speakers
- Adhesive pad mount (alternative to clamp mount)
- USB cable
- stereo connection cable (with jack plug)
- 2 x Velcro stickers for attaching the speakers to the helmet
- hexagonal wrench
- operating instructions
Thanks to Sena's pioneering Adaptive Mesh Networking technology, which works in combination with Bluetooth, the 50R has more connections than ever before. With an innovative dual antenna and two separate processors, one for Bluetooth and one for Adaptive Mesh Networking, the 50R can connect to any processor simultaneously thanks to its multi-operation function. This means that you can connect up to 3 additional communication devices to your Sena 50R headset via Bluetooth 5.0 and then integrate them into an existing mesh networking group at the same time.
Communicate with up to 24 other drivers within a maximum range of 2 km reliably and clearly in HD audio quality. The 50R also allows for targeted group management, so you can divide users into groups and differentiate between groups. In addition to these private groups, you can search for other motorcyclists within a 2 km radius who are also using a Sena 50R by pressing just one button. You will be automatically connected to them.
Sena 50R Audio Multitasking technology makes it possible to have conversations and simultaneously stream music from your smartphone, answer or make phone calls, or play detailed GPS navigation instructions via Bluetooth using Adaptive Mesh Networking. Users no longer have to worry about the interruptions caused by the audio features of previous Bluetooth communication devices. Now, the audio functions no longer interrupt each other, but overlap, ensuring a pleasant listening experience. Enjoy seamless audio sources on your rides.
Use the Sena smartphone app to configure the device settings (e.g. enter a group of biker friends for the hands-free system) and take a look at the quick start guide. Simply pair your phone with your 50R headset and run the Sena smartphone app. This allows you to make settings directly from your smartphone.
The 50R's new quick-charge feature provides approximately 3 hours of use after just 20 minutes of charging. On the road, the 50R can be fully controlled by voice commands. The intuitive technology ensures safe, controlled driving by seamlessly switching between music, phone and intercom functions.
The 50R's universal mounting option with clamp and/or adhesive holder and replaceable cable and gooseneck microphone allows it to be used with almost any helmet, whether jet, flip-up or full-face. The Sena 50R Louis Edition is compatible with Sena's optimal handlebar remote control and all 20S clamp accessories.
EEE Evidenční číslo: 09281/20-ECZ
Informace výrobce: SENA
Od roku 1998 společnost SENA vyvíjí a vyrábí bezdrátové komunikační systémy pro průmysl založené na technologii Bluetooth. Protože šéf společnosti je sám motorkář a nebyl spokojen s náhlavními soupravami Bluetooth jiných výrobců, vyrábí společnost Sena od roku 2010 také komunikační řešení pro motorkáře. Přístroje vyvinuté na základě praktických zkušeností se již dávno prosadily na americkém trhu a zvítězily v nesčetných nezávislých srovnávacích testech, mimo jiné i díky svému velmi jednoduchému a intuitivnímu ovládání. Dokonce i v motorkářských rukavicích a za plné rychlosti neomylně najdete geniální otočné/stiskávací tlačítko JogDial, místo abyste museli hledat mnoho různých tlačítek. Jsme velmi rádi, že dnes můžeme nabízet sofistikované komunikační systémy Sena i v Německu.
You will find a list of all the communication systems that are compatible with your helmet under "Features" on the relevant helmet page.
For just EUR 24,99 per helmet, our experts will be pleased to provide this service.
Vlastnosti produktu
- Bluetooth specification: Bluetooth 5.0
- Weather protection: odolnost proti stříkající vodě
- User interface: 3 tlačítka
- Mounting: Montáž na helmu upínacím nebo lepicím držákem
- Smartphone app for easy operation: iOS a Android
- Maximum talk time: 8 hodin
- Maximum standby time: 10 dní
- Microphone types: Součástí dodávky je mikrofon s kabelem nebo tvarovatelným krkem
- Special Features: FM rádiový přijímač
Vlastnosti produktu v přehledu
- Audio Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP)
- Optional handlebar remote control
- Driver to passenger intercom
- MP3-Connectivity (wireless via A2DP)
- Sat nav connectivity
- NFC compatible
- RDS radio
- Voice Commands
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