Sp St.Steel Silen.
Sp St.Steel Silen.
Sp St.Steel Silen.
Sp St.Steel Silen.
Sp St.Steel Silen.
Sp St.Steel Silen.

Sp St.Steel Silen.

125/390DUKE/ VP/SP 21- BL

Č. artiklu 50044594

24 Hodnocení

Najdi svůj motocykl:
NPC 11 232,11 Kč 2
7 463,94 Kč 1

Sp St.Steel Silen. 125/390DUKE/ VP/SP 21- BL

Here you will find exhaust systems and rear silencers at real bargain prices

  • They are seconds, which means that they may be slightly scratched or have been used just once
  • There is a picture of each one showing exactly what the imperfection is
  • You can find more information about the exhaust systems by changing the 500 to 100 at the beginning of the Order no..
  • With type approval and all the necessary fittings
  • Only as long as stocks last.

Manufacturer: Fechter Drive Motorsport GmbH | Michael-Becker-Str. 22 | 73235 Weilheim/Teck | Germany | +49 7023952323 | info@fechter.de | www.fechter.de
Hodnocení (24)
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