Membránová Bunda
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VXR-1 Membránová Bunda
We simply have to congratulate Vanucci on their *VXR-1* Membrane Jacket! This super-practical "membrane jacket" is mainly made of high-quality SYMPATEX 3-layer laminate, which means that the outer shell, membrane and lining are entirely made of the temperature-regulating material. This jacket was actually developed for wearing together with the Vanucci *VAJ-1* (212423) Textile Touring Jacket. But it can also be worn on its own.
What's more, the Vanucci *VXR-1* does not require a connecting system, so it can be worn under virtually any longer motorcycle jacket. It's quite body-hugging, and the suppleness of the material allows it to fit very snugly. In addition, the close-fitting cuffs keep out unwelcome draughts.
All in all, a fantastic, versatile membrane jacket.
- Breathable, wind- and waterproof because it's made entirely of SYMPATEX 3-layer laminate, 100% polyester
- Adjustable collar (press-stud) and hip (hook-and-loop)
- All-round connection zipper
- High collar
- Additional wind protection provided by the cuffs
Název Vanucci znamená motocyklové oblečení s prémiovými nároky pro sportovní a cestovní jezdce, kteří kladou důraz na vysokou kvalitu. Kolekce sahá od enduro obleků pro cestu kolem světa až po sportovní kožené obleky pro rychlé ovály, od nákrčníků až po touringové holínky. Ať už dáváte přednost kůži nebo textilu, každý výrobek Vanucci je nejen vyroben z vysoce kvalitních materiálů a zahrnuje špičkové technologie, jako je Sympatex nebo Outlast, ale chlubí se také typickým italským designem, dlouholetými zkušenostmi a veškerou vášní návrháře Enrica Vanucciho. To platí i pro zavazadlové systémy Vanucci, které jsou jak promyšlené, tak i robustní.
The membranes are manufactured from different base materials, depending on the brand, and are made either as a loose "liner", as a laminate (bonded to the outer material), or as a coating on a carrier material.
The SympaTex membrane is made of polyester, and transports water vapour molecules outwards by means of chemical reactions. Different materials are tailored to the various applications in the field of motorcycle clothing.
All climate membranes are sensitive to mechanical damage: if a membrane is pierced, clearly it can no longer provide protection. Damage can also result from the use of inappropriate washing agents. Softeners, including those contained in detergents, damage the membrane irreparably!
All parts of the Vanucci+ modular system can be combined as needed - thanks to their coordinated fit. Just add layers as you need them - quickly and easily, without buttons or zips. A size S thermal jacket always fits under the size S motorcycle jacket. Rain pants in size XL always fit over motorcycle pants in size XL, no matter which. And you can wear them all separately.
Coordinated materials give you exactly the protection you need. So you save a lot of space in the closet and in the luggage and are still prepared for any weather.
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