Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki
Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki
Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki
Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki
RAM Mounts

Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki


Č. artiklu 10013803

1 Hodnocení

Najdi svůj motocykl:
NPC 3 117,26 Kč 2
1 246,16 Kč 1

Držák nádrže motocyklu BMW & Kawasaki PRO NORM.CHYTRÉ TELEFONY

Sat navs, smartphones, cameras, tablets and other mobile devices all need to be mounted on your motorbike (or other vehicle) sooner or later. And once in place, they must still be fully functional and all the controls easy to reach. RAM Mounts have taken on this challenge and developed a modular system with a wide range of products for precisely this purpose. For example, the Ram Mounts Tank Motorcycle Mount as a set with X-Grip for "standard" or large smartphones.

This set comprises the X-Grip *Universal* (for smartphones), the Fuel Tank Base for many BMW or Kawasaki models, the short Double Socket Arm and a B-ball (1 inch). All Ram Mounts products feature outstanding design, limitless flexibility, high-quality materials and a life-long warranty. The Fuel Tank Base is screwed in place on your tank, just like a tank ring.

Dimensions of the holder:
Width: 48 - 83 mm
Depth: 22.2 mm
Clamping range: 13 - 32 mm diameter

Suitable smartphones:
- Minimum width: 48 mm (minimum height 108 mm )
- Maximum width: 82 mm (minimum height 57 mm )
- Depth: max. 22 mm

Hodnocení (1)
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