Důležité pokyny
Panamericana, el nombre de la que probablemente sea la carretera de ensueño más larga del mundo. Una red de 48 000 kilómetros de autopista en América del Sur y Central. Modeka no podría haber escogido un nombre mejor para estos guantes de moto, ya que su calidad y características son perfectas para los desafíos de esta carretera. Pero los Modeka *Panamericana* también son una excelente opción para paseos más cortos o para el uso diario. Son transpirables, resistentes al viento e impermeables gracias a la membrana climática Sympatex y destacan por su excelente sistema de seguridad. Los Modeka *Panamericana* son tus compañeros ideales para el motociclismo.
- Resistentes al viento e impermeables gracias a la membrana Sympatex
- Refuerzos SuperFabric en dedos y palmas
- Carcasa SAS-TEC para los nudillos, protector 3D preformado con excelentes propiedades de amortiguación
- Refuerzos de cuero en los dedos, el interior de la mano y en la zona del puño
- Inserto de espuma en el exterior de la muñeca
- Insertos elásticos entre los dedos
- Insertos elásticos acolchados en los dedos corazón y anular y bajo la carcasa de los nudillos
- Limpiador de visera
- Ajuste de la anchura en la muñeca y el puño por medio de una correa de velcro
- Parte superior e inferior de la mano: mezcla de materiales de cuero vacuno resistente al desgarro, Tactel flexible y Amara (75 % cuero vacuno, 20 % poliamida, 5 % otros)
- Forro interior suave (100 % poliéster)
- Certificación según la norma EN 13594:2015
What began with an in-house leather tannery and a plant producing motorcycle coats, gloves and tactical items, is today a major brand name for all kinds of motorcycle clothing: MODEKA. Adventure, touring and urban styles for men, women and children are the specialities. MODEKA is committed to providing you with optimal comfort, maximum protection and top value for money at all times. It's with these guiding principles that the company produces its high-quality leather and textile clothing and motorcycle gloves, boots and biker accessories. For you, for every day, for every motorcycling occasion. MODEKA - you ride.
SuperFabric brand technology ia an advanced, multi-step engineered process that takes ordinary fabrics and transforms them into a variety of unique, protective solutions, known collectively as SuperFabric brand materials. These new protective fabrics is engineered for optimum resistance to cut, punctures and abrasions while remaining highly flexible. Optional properties such as flame resistance, specialized grip and more, make for a complete customized solution.
Most traditional, high-quality outer material with cult status for motorcycle clothing and accessories. Unmistakable in its natural, high-quality look, the strong image, ideally suited to both figure-hugging and highly functional designs. The biker's "second skin" still has the edge over any textile material when it comes to safety and resistance to abrasion and tearing. The way the material stretches as the clothing is worn means that leather clothing adapts to the body contours ideally, thus also guaranteeing that protectors fit optimally. Leather clothing should therefore always be bought with a close fit. Impregnation, leather oil and surface coatings guarantee good weather protection and a degree of rainproofing, but unfortunately also limit the breathability. Relatively heavy, but enthusiasts value this as a "quality feature". Looked after properly, it is very durable. Because leather does not itself offer much thermal insulation, the other features of the garment, or the base layers of clothing, must provide some help here.
Sold under various brand names (Gore-Tex, Reissa, Tepor, Sympatex, Hipora, Porell, Helsapor, Enprotex, Nibo, Humax, Drygate etc.). Gore-Tex and Sympatex have patent protection. One thing all these membranes have in common is their basic function: exploiting a temperature gradient, perspiration is transported from the inside to the outside, yet wind and rain cannot get in. This effect makes both fabric and leather clothing highly weatherproof, and also very comfortable to wear. The membranes are manufactured from different base materials, depending on the brand, and are made either as a loose "liner", as a laminate (bonded to the outer material), or as a coating on a carrier material. The first product of this kind, the "Gore-Tex" membrane made of Teflon, fulfils its function due to its very fine pores, which allow moisture from the skin to move outwards, but prevent the larger raindrops from moving inwards. Gore-Tex is indeed highly effective, but the patented material comes at a price. All the other membranes consist of polyurethane or polyester, and transport water vapour molecules outwards by means of chemical reactions. Different materials have been adapted to the various applications in the field of motorcycle clothing. All of these climate membranes are sensitive to mechanical damage: if a membrane is pierced, clearly it can no longer provide protection. Damage can also result from the use of inappropriate washing agents. Softeners, including those contained in detergents, damage the membrane irreparably!
Vlastnosti produktu
- Outershell palm: Hovězina
- Lining: Polyester 100 %
- Additional Features: bez
- Width Adjustment: Stulpna a zápěstí
- Certification: certifikace podle EN 13594:2015
- Country of manufacture: Pákistán
- Knuckle protection: Pěna Sas-Tec
- Reinforcement ball of the thumb: SuperFabric
Vlastnosti produktu v přehledu
- Wind- and waterproof
- Stretchable applications
- Knuckle protection
- Ball of the thumb protection
- Visor wiper
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