SmartRail 1/2", hvězda, 8 dílů
SmartRail 1/2", hvězda, 8 dílů

SmartRail 1/2", hvězda, 8 dílů


Č. artiklu 10091747

1 Hodnocení

NPC 5 059,01 Kč 2
3 369,76 Kč 1

SmartRail 1/2", hvězda, 8 dílů HVĚZDA 8-KS

Everyone knows this: one grip - and the search begins. Thanks to Hazet, that's over now. Because Hazet has the *Smartrail* for you. The magnetic socket holder that you can attach to almost any iron or metal support, motorcycle frame, lifting platform, workshop trolley or shelf. And if there is no "iron", then you can hang the Hazet *Smartrail* by means of the metal eye on a hook without further ado. Eight star sockets with 1⁄2″ square sockets keep the Hazet *Smartrail 1/2 star* ready for you. At the same time, the durable and resistant twist lock ensures a tight fit and immediate access to the tools. Made in Germany.

  • Magnetic underside ensures grip on all ferrous surfaces, e.g. on workshop trolleys, tool walls, machines, lifting platforms and in metal drawers
  • surface: TIN coated, easy to clean
  • long-lasting, robust twist lock
  • securely fixed in locked position: turn socket to the left for removal
  • robust metal eyelet for hanging, e.g. on a hook
  • with 1⁄2″ square sockets
  • Drive: square drive 12.5 mm (1/2 inch)
  • Width across flats: ∙ T20 ∙ T25 ∙ T30 ∙ T40 ∙ T45 ∙ T50 ∙ T55 ∙ T60
  • Dimensions / length: 365 mm x 37.4 mm
  • for manual operation
  • Number of tools: 8
  • Made In Germany

Hodnocení (1)
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