Matrix Youth Villain V.19
Matrix Youth Villain V.19
Matrix Youth Villain V.19
Matrix Youth Villain V.19

Matrix Youth Villain V.19

Kids Glove

Č. artiklu 210718

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NPC 374,20 Kč 2
324,27 Kč 1

Matrix Youth Villain V.19 Kids Glove

Do you want your motorsport gear to deliver 100% performance just like you? Then the O'NEAL MATRIX Glove is the glove for you! No matter how demanding the weather or how rough the track - with this comfortable and resilient piece of clothing you are always perfectly equipped.

  • the pre-shaped fit makes this MX/MTB glove extra comfortable in any situation.
  • the non-fading, cool graphics ensure a permanently stylish look.
  • With durable and flexible materials, this glove ensures durability and a perfect fit.
  • the air-permeable mesh material on the top of the hand of this O'NEAL glove ensures good ventilation.
  • synthetic leather palm with double reinforcement on the palm and thumb as well as additional foam pads.
  • An adjustable velcro closure ensures that your MX/MTB glove always fits securely.

  • 45% synthetic leather, 40% nylon, 15% polyester
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