S2 Sport
Full-Face Helmet Matt Black 54/55
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S2 Sport Full-Face Helmet Matt Black 54/55
Time for a new sport/sport touring helmet? Then it's time for the impressive *S2 Sport from Schuberth. On the street or on the track, this helmet goes with you everywhere, every day. The *S2 also offers top-notch aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. Equipped with a vent system that makes for a comfortable helmet climate even in summer temperatures.
- Visor: clear, with anti-fog visor insert
- Sun visor: integral, smoked
- Material: S.T.R.O.N.G. fibre (glass fibre-reinforced special thermoset matrix)
- Outer shell sizes: 2 (52/53-58/59, 60/61-64/65)
- Fastener: Double 'D' fastener
- Weight: approx.1,450 g
- Lining: COOLMAX lining with antibacterial Interpower coating, fully removable and washable Thermocool head pads
- Ventilation: top air inlet with three-stage regulation and extra-long air channels for enhanced cooling, two rear and neck outlets and an adjustable chin vent
- Other features: Exact-fitting, integrated acoustic collar, including earpads and additional chin curtain,
- Certificates: ECE 22.05
Good to know:
The outer shell of the S2 is made in two sizes. Schuberth has developed its own moulding process, in which glass fibre mats and special resin are vacuum-moulded at high temperature and high pressure. The end result is a helmet shell that combines exceptional strength and light weight.
The multipart inner shell, made of special EPS foam, has optimal impact absorption characteristics. That means outstanding absorption and distribution of forces plus maximum protection.
The lining of the S2 was specially developed using the innovative ComfortFit concept, which ensures that the helmet sits comfortably and securely in every situation.
Carefully selected COOLMAX and Thermocool fabrics and the additional use of Interpower coatings provide optimal moisture wicking and cooling.
The Anti-Roll-Off-System (A.R.O.S.) was developed by Schuberth and is used in every Schuberth helmet as a safety feature. As the name says, it means that the helmet cannot roll off the rider's head from the rear, provided the helmet is fastened and the chin strap correctly adjusted. In addition, it helps to prevent contact between the chin guard and the rider's chin or neck. The risk of injury caused by the helmet coming into contact with the chest is also reduced.
The aeroacoustics are influenced by
- the position of the helmet in the airstream, depending on the rider's height and riding position and the motorcycle fairing
- Fit of the helmet: Differences in the anatomy of the head, neck and shoulders
Adjust the motorcycle windshield
Provide additional sealing, e.g. with a scarf
Do SCHUBERTH značkového obchodu
Třída sama o sobě!SCHUBERTH vyvíjí helmy pro motocyklisty již 60 let. Tolik zkušeností nevyhnutelně zanechá stopy. Například v oblasti aerodynamiky a aeroakustiky: Helmy SCHUBERTH patří mezi nejstabilnější a nejtišší na světě - díky intenzivnímu testování ve vlastním aerodynamickém tunelu. Nebo v technologických inovacích: První výklopná helma, první helma s integrovanou sluneční clonou, první helma s vestavěnou anténou pro plně integrovaný komunikační systém - to vše jsou vynálezy společnosti SCHUBERTH. Společnost SCHUBERTH byla vždy o krok napřed i v oblasti bezpečnosti. Například systémem A.R.O.S. (Anti-Roll-Off System), který v případě nehody upevní helmu na hlavě tak, aby byly lépe chráněny brada a hrudník jezdce.
You will find a list of all the communication systems that are compatible with your helmet under "Features" on the relevant helmet page.
For just EUR 24,99 per helmet, our experts will be pleased to provide this service.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
Vlastnosti produktu
- Compatible with Shoei communication system: –
- Compatible with X-lite communication system: –
- Compatible with Nexx communication system: –
- Compatible with Caberg communication system: –
- Compatible with Shark communication system: –
- Compatible with Cardo communication system: –
- Compatible with Sena communication system: –
- Compatible with Nolan communication system: –
- type of helmet: Celoobličejová helma
- shell material: Vlákno S.T.R.O.N.G. vyztužená skleněnými vlákny
- Lining: Coolmax
- certificates: ECE 22.05
- weight approx: 1450
- Visor: čiré, proti zamlžování díky štítu Pinlock
- Compatible with Schuberth communication system: SRCS S2
- Country of manufacture: Německo
- fastener: Uzávěr na dvojitý D-kroužek
- additional features: Extrémně tichá díky akustickému límci
- helmet shell sizes: 2
Vlastnosti produktu v přehledu
- sun visor
- visor anti-fog
- visor mechanism integrated
- visor replacement without tools
- prepared for communication devices
- chin ventilation
- upper head ventilation
- back vent
- removable lining
- removable cheek pads
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